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Bangladesh Institutional Diagnostic – Chapter 2


Bangladesh Institutional Diagnostic

Chapter 2: Bangladesh’s Development: Achievements and Challenges

Chapter Overview:

List of tables and figures

  1. Introduction
  2. Sources of growth and possible limitations of the present development regime
    •  Aggregate growth
    • Structural transformation
    • Remittances and foreign direct investment
    • Infrastructure
    • Bangladesh growth engines and the possible limitations of its present development regime
  3. The state and the financing of the economy
    • Public finance and state capacity
    • External financing of the economy
    •  Domestic financing: the banking sector and the weak regulation of the financial sector
  4. Social matters
    • The labour market
    • Poverty and inequality
    • Education
    • Healthcare
    • NGOs and microcredit
  5. Environment and climate change challenges
  6. Conclusion

Annex A     Decomposition of growth in Bangladesh
Annex B     Factors affecting growth in Bangladesh
Annex C     Decompositions of aggregate labour productivity

Authors: Selim Raihan, SANEM, Francois Bourguignon, Paris School of Economics

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