Bangladesh Institutional Diagnostic – Chapter 8
Bangladesh Institutional Diagnostic
Chapter 8: Institutional challenges in public spending: the case of primary education
Chapter overview:
List of figures
- Introduction
- The importance of education (primary education) for development in Bangladesh
- The primary education sector in Bangladesh: basic performance
- Challenges faced by the primary education sector in Bangladesh
- Complex coexistence of various actors
- Challenges related to resources
- Teacher management in government primary schools
- Curriculum and teacher training in primary education
- Summary and conclusion
- Enhancing the budgetary allocation for the primary education sector
- Better salary and career paths for primary teachers
- Improving the recruitment process for primary teachers
- Initiatives to improve the quality of school infrastructure
- Initiatives to improve facilities to increase school attendance
- Improving the curriculum and examination system
- Ensuring accountability and transparency in the evaluation of both teachers and learning achievement
- Harmonisation of the coexistence of various actors
Annex A Types of primary school in Bangladesh
Annex B The assistant teacher recruitment process
Annex C Institutional challenges in the assistant teacher recruitment process
Annex D Transfer procedure for primary school teachers from one division to another, or to the capital city
Discussion: Institutional challenges in public spending: The case of primary education
Authors: Zubayer Hossen, Bazlul Haque Khondker, and Selim Raihan, SANEM
With discussion by Elizabeth M. King, The Brookings Institution