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Benin – History and Political Economy of Land Administration Reform


This publication is part of the Benin Institutional Diagnostic.

This chapter deals with the issue of land tenure, which has been identified by the research coordinators as one of the major institutional problems in Benin. It deals more specifically with the recent land reform that was enacted by the 2013 Code Foncier et Domanial (Land and Domain Code). The orientation of this chapter is significantly different from the others, both in its purpose and approach. It is not so much a question of proposing an institutional diagnosis of the sector and highlighting desirable areas for reform, as it is of analysing an ongoing reform process.


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 State ownership, informality, semi-formal arrangements and ‘confusion management’: a brief analysis of the land sector in the early 2000s
  • 3 The search for overall/sectorial adjustment in the land sector in the years 1990–2000: a telescoping of reforms
  • 4 Extend access to land title through a deep reform of land administration: MCA-Benin’s ‘Access to Land’ project and its aftermath
  • 5 The Land Code, its orientations and controversies
  • 6 Issues, strengths and limitations of an ambitious reform of land administration
  • 7 Conclusion
  • Discussion of ‘History and political economy of land administration reform’ 66


Philippe Lavigne Delville, French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development,

With discussion by:

Kenneth Houngbedji, Paris School of Economics

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