Tanzania Institutional Diagnostic – Chapter 2
Tanzania Institutional Diagnostic
Chapter 2: Tanzanian institutional strengths and weaknesses
Chapter outline
- The Country Institutional Survey (CIS): experts’ opinions on Tanzanian institutions
- The survey: design of the questionnaire
- Execution of the survey
- Most critical institutions for the development of Tanzania
- The perceived functioning of institutions in Tanzania
- From the perception of the past to a prospective assessment
- Discussion and conclusions
- Open-ended interviews with top decision makers and policymakers
- Comparative analysis based on institutional indicators: how ‘different’ is Tanzania from other developing countries?
- Application to Tanzania
- Comparison with other countries, from the user point of view
- Conclusion
- The institutional implications of ‘growth diagnostics’ and similar exercises
- Identified economic constraints for development in Tanzania
- Underlying institutional weaknesses
Authors: François Bourguignon and François Libois, Paris School of Economics