Tanzania Institutional Diagnostic – Chapter 4
Tanzania Institutional Diagnostic
Chapter 4: Civil Service
Chapter outline
- Introduction
- The role and political context of the civil service in economic development
- The transitional phase, 1961–66
- The socialist phase, 1967–85
- The liberalisation phase, 1986 to date
- Constraints to effective civil service performance
- Civil service capacity
- Staffing levels
- Competences and skills
- Civil service motivation and conduct
- Policy cycle and environment
- Resources and working tools
- Maximising the civil service economic potential: future reform directions
- Reform dynamics
- Reform areas and directions
- Reform sustainability
- Conclusion
- Bibliography
- Discussion of ‘The Civil Service and Economic Development in Tanzania’
Author: Rwekaza Mukandala, University of Dar es Salaam
With discussion by: Jan Willem Gunning, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam