Tanzania Institutional Diagnostic – Chapter 5
Tanzania Institutional Diagnostic
Chapter 5: Decentralization and development
Chapter outline
- Introduction
- The theory of central–local government relationships
- The evolution of local government in Tanzania
- Local and central governance in Tanzania today: a complex and confusing legal framework
- Fiscal decentralisation: the challenges of revenue collection
- Property tax: a case study
- Lack of local capacity for revenue collection
- Can central transfers be used to build fiscal capacity?
- Conclusion: directions for reform
- Revisit the fiscal decentralisation agenda
- Address institutional set-up to create efficiency
- Address unpredictability of government decisions
- Bibliography
- Discussion of ‘Decentralisation and Development in Tanzania’
Authors: Servacius Likwelile, University of Dar es Salaam, and Pascal Assey, Victoria Foundation
With discussion by: Jan Willem Gunning, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam