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Tanzania Institutional Diagnostic – Chapter 7


Tanzania Institutional Diagnostic

Chapter 7: Power Sector

Chapter outline
  1. Introduction
  2. The Tanzanian power sector: structure and performance
    • Institutional structure
    • Power sector performance
  3. The Tanzanian power sector’s institutional development
    • Early institutional infrastructure in the power sector – the colonial period
    • From Ujamaa to structural adjustment – 1960s to 1980s
    • Power sector reforms – on again, off again
  4. Institutional structure of the Tanzanian power sector
    • Political economy of institutional reform and power sector development
    • Political economy of institutional equilibrium in hybrid markets
  5. Political economy, reform, and development – concluding comments
  6. Bibliography
  7. Discussion of ‘Power sector reform and regulation in Tanzania’

Authors: Catrina Godinho and Anton Eberhard, University of Cape Town
With discussion by: A. Estache, ECARES, Université libre de Bruxelles

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