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The Benin Institutional Diagnostic – conclusions


This publication is part of the Benin Institutional Diagnostic.

Based on the descriptive analysis of the economic, social, and political context in the first part of this volume, and the various thematic studies in the second part, this final chapter provides an overall institutional diagnostic of Benin. This is done in three stages. First, we provide a summary of each previous chapter, broadening it in some instances to strengthen the conclusion and emphasizing their institutional implications. Placing these summaries side-by-side makes it is possible to draw up a short-list of the key institutional weaknesses that hinder Benin’s development. Second, the analysis goes a step further by reflecting on the proximate causes of these weaknesses, and the deep factors behind them. This reflection thus provides a reasonably complete diagnostic of the institutional challenges faced by Benin. This diagnostic then feeds, in the final section of the chapter, into an exploration of possible and feasible policy reforms to address some of the challenges in order to promote sustainable and inclusive economic development in Benin.

Summary of contents:

  • 1 Identifying institutional constraints on the development of Benin
  • 2 Institutional diagnostic of Benin: a compact view
  • 3 Policy implications


  • François Bourguignon, Paris School of Economics
  • Jean-Philippe Platteau, University of Namur

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