Arusha Workshop

On 18 and 19 January 2018, the Economic Development & Institutions (EDI) programme hosted a stimulating workshop to present progress and seek feedback on the work being done as part of the EDI Tanzania Institutional Diagnostic.

The workshop brought together a diverse group of movers and shakers, including both Tanzanian and international academics and former and current Tanzanian policy makers and influencers to discuss in-depth and debate priority institutional issues in Tanzania and their linkages. Led by François Bourguignon, the discussion included a background on Tanzanian political history and features of economic development, results of an analysis of institutional indicators and an institutional perceptions survey in Tanzania, the relationship between politics and business, state coordination for resource mobilization, the functioning of the civil service, power sector reform, and land rights, all with the lens of institutions and their relationship to economic development. The workshop took place in Arusha, Tanzania.

The Tanzania Institutional Diagnostic is the first of five case studies to be conducted under EDI, leading to the design of an “institutional diagnostic” tool that will permit policy-makers to identify weak institutional areas that constrain development and appropriate directions for reform. In this research endeavour, ‘institutions’ are broadly defined as the ‘formal or informal rules of the game expected to be followed, individually and collectively, by political, social and economic actors’.

See the Research Overview for Tanzania