Benin – Benin’s Informal Trading with Nigeria
This publication is part of the Benin Institutional Diagnostic.
Summary of contents:
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Historical economic relations between Benin and Nigeria
- 3 Causes of informal trade: Nigeria’s pervasive distortions incentivise smuggling
- 4 Magnitude of entrepôt trade between Benin and Nigeria
- 5 The institutional structure of ICBT in Benin: highly organised informal trade
- 6 The effects of informal trade on Benin
- 7 Summary and policy conclusions
- Discussion of ‘Benin’s informal trading with Nigeria’
- Stephen S. Golub, Swarthmore College
- Ahmadou Aly Mbaye and Cheikh Anta Diop, University of Dakar
With discussion by:
- John O. Igué, Laboratoire d’analyse régionale et d’expertise sociale (LARES)