Civil service/bureaucracy
Explore EDI's work on the theme of civil service and bureaucracy.
View all civil service and bureaucracy resources, including working papers and policy briefs, via a pre-populated search of our resources archive. This can be further refined by category, theme, and institution.
Path-finding papers:
- Can training improve organisational culture?
- Religious leaders and rule of law
- Religion, politics and-judicial independence: theory and evidence
- Innovation voice and hierarchy in the public sector: evidence from Ghana’s civil service
- Research insight candidate: selection and accountability in Sierra Leone
- Research insight: How do management practices in government change over time (evidence from Ghana)
- Politician entry, selection and performance
- Foreign aid and governance: a survey
Institutional diagnostic:
- Tanzania:
Randomised control trials:
Case studies:
- Judicial independence in Pakistan
- Training for productivity: An experimental evaluation of civil service reform in Ghana
Image: Flickr/ Stig Nygaard