Judicial system and courts
Explore EDI's work on the theme of judicial system and courts.
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Image: Supreme Court of Kenya in Nairobi (Wikimedia Commons)
Path-finding papers
- Who is in justice? Caste, Religion and Gender in the Courts of Bihar over a Decade.
- Religious Leaders and Rule of Law.
- Improving Labour Courts: The Effect of Publicly Provided Lawyers and Information.
- Religion, Politics, and Judicial Independence: Theory and Evidence.
- EDI Podcast: Joyce Sadka discusses labour law reform in Mexico.
- Research Insight: Can child marriage law change attitudes and behaviour? (Bangladesh).
- Research Insight: Asset ownership and female empowerment: Evidence from a natural experiment in Pakistan.
- Information and Lawyer Quality: Evidence from a Field Experiment in a Mexican Labor Court.
- Artificial Intelligence and courts: improving the quality of justice.
- Why does judicial independence matter?
- Speeding up justice: transforming Mexico’s labour courts.
- Event: “Sharing Solutions” – Judicial decisions as public goods.
- Event: “Sharing Solutions” – Improving court efficiency.
- State of science: The judiciary.
- Improving court efficiency (India, Kenya, Tanzania).
- Improving the effectiveness of labor courts.
Institutional diagnostic:
- Bangladesh:
- Mozambique
Randomised control trials (RCTs):
- Using Machine Learning to Promote Fairness and Efficiency in Indian Courts.
- Access to Justice in Kenya’s Magistrates’ Courts.
- Institutional Reform and de facto Women’s Rights.
- Improving the Effectiveness of Labor Courts through Information and Conciliation.
Case studies: