Family, Kinship and community
Explore EDI's work on the theme of family, kinship and community.
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Castle and mountain in Perigord, Europe (Source: Pxhere)
Path-finding papers:
- Formal and Informal Market Institutions: Embeddedness.
- Culture, Institutions, and Development.
- The Dynamics of Family Systems: Lessons from Past and Present Times.
- Institutions and Development: An Overview of Case Studies.
- Conflict and Development.
- Gender Institutions, and Economic Development.
- Migration, Institutions and Development.
Randomised control trials (RCTs):
- Engaging Citizens to Address Company-Community Conflict at South African Mines.
- Community Policing and Public Trust: A Field Experiment in Colombia.
Case studies:
- Firms, kinship and economic growth in Kyrgyz Republic.
- Endogenous Political Fragmentation: The Role of Property Rights in Historical Perspective.
- Gangs of Medellin: variation in non-state provision of order and justice.
- Networks of power and crony capitalism in Myanmar.
- The strategic game between autocratic power, the military and the clerics.
- Economic role of clans: Linking past and present.
- Clans, religion, and politics: A case study of Pakistan.
- Social structures, political accountability, and effective public goods provision.
- Individualization of property rights and population pressure.
- Aspirations in Economics: A Review
- Child marriage law, gender norms and marriage customs (Bangladesh).
- Community networks and industrial entrepreneurship in India and China.